54mm Viking warrior by Marx Toys.

A bag of HO scale dime store Cowboys and Indians.

Spacemen figures from Marx Toys' Tom Corbett Space Academy playset, 1950's.

American Revolution soldier by Awesome Kids.

Sears Heritage Fort Apache by Marx Toys. I got a good deal on this on Ebay recently.

Figures and jet from Marx Toys' Training Center.

A Lido patriot faces off against a couple of British regulars. Marx trees and recast stockade fence in the background.

Figures from Marx Toys Red River Gang playset. Wells Fargo streetfront in the background.

Timpo figures with Barszo stockade and Marx tree in the background.

54mm Viking chieftain by Marx Toys.

From a 1990's reissue Marx Flintstones set.

Marx Toys' "Warriors of the World" figure. Each of these figures came with a card and a little bio of the person. This guy's name is Roger Medford.

Timmee Cowboys

54mm Viking by Marx Toys.

I managed to hang on to these since my childhood. They came with Ideal's Ft. Cheyenne playset.

Red River Gang. "Cereal Box" playset by Marx Toys.

Dollar Store figure of Claude Rains as the Werewolf of London. Barzso/TSSD church and grave markers in the background.

Marx Toys' Tom Corbett playset, c1953.

Figure and accessories by Marx Toys.

Figures and fort by Marx Toys.

Marx Toys' 1st series Knight.

Another cowboy bad guy. Figure by William Britain. Marx Toys' Western town streetfront in background.

Marx 54mm Cowboy figure. Wells Fargo streetfront in the background.

Marx Toys 6" Indian Figure
I haven't smoked for 2 weeks, 2 days and 12 hours, saving 493.96 cigarettes and $98.79 .